

En la bitacora zaragozana y aragonesa de encontramos un articulo hablando de esta pelicula-documental sobre el clima y su cambio, ademas nosotros hemos estado buscando mas sobre este movimiento y aqui esta el resultado:

Ademas subiremos mas videos cada semana para haber si de una vez por todas se para este viaje en alta velocidad sin frenos y cuesta abajo!!!

It is the first time in Spain that organizations from different areas of society join forces in an initiative to combat the greatest environmental problem facing humanity in the 21st century: climate change, whose effects are already suffered in Spain in the form of tropical storms, jellyfish plagues, heat waves, and droughts.
WWF/Adena, Intermón Oxfam, OCU and CC.OO. are the four founding organizations, but all types of organizations have been invited to join the coalition.
The main goal of CLIMATE MOVEMENT is to show citizens that climate change is a problem that affects us all, that we are all responsible, but that we can also be part of the solutions. CLIMATE MOVEMENT wants to mobilize citizens to commit to taking a small personal action to fight against climate change.
We invite you to get to know CLIMATE MOVEMENT on this video.
Further information is available at, where you can find an explanation of what the coalition is, the activities and concrete actions it proposes, and general information on climate change and energy.

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